Thursday, December 8, 2011

Color Series Final Draft

My Series is working with color. I took a photo that had something with a very bright color and made the rest of the photo in black and white. For example, the first photo was a orange fire-hydrant with the green bushes and a red brick background and made the fire-hydrant the only thing in color. I took two drafts and chose my favorites for my final draft. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Color Series 2

In my series I chose to use an application on the computer called iSplash to edit my photos. I take the color picture and change it to make only the vibrant color of it in color.In this Color Series I took my photos in an urban area. I split my photos into two sections: 1) Construction and Geese. 2) The crazy amount of bikes in Amsterdam and other miscellaneous things. I hope you enjoy!



Thursday, December 1, 2011

Color Series 1

In my series I chose to use an application on the computer called iSplash to edit my photos. I take the color picture and change it to make only the vibrant color of it in color. In this first series I chose to do nature shots. I went and found my photos out in the world. Enjoy!